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Pike Medical Foundation

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Pike Medical Foundation

The future of the medical profession faces many challenges. With your help, through the Pike Medical Foundation, Inc., Troy Regional Medical Center will be better equipped to meet these challenges. The Mission Statement of the Foundation reads: The mission of the Foundation has been to enhance the operations of Troy Regional Medical Center by providing external financial support to facilitate the various needs of the medical center and to aid in communicating to the citizens of Pike County care benefits offered by Troy Regional Medical Center.

a group of people holding a sign posing for the camera


All gifts to the Pike Medical Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible and cumulative. The Foundation is a 501-C3 organization. Donations are accepted in the form of cash, appreciated securities, real estate, and memorial or tribute gifts. Donations may be unrestricted or directed for a specific purpose or area at the hospital. Notification is sent to the honoree or to the family, in the case of a memorial gift. No mention is made of the amount of the gift. The Foundation also offers sponsorship opportunities including the annual Balloon Launch held each year in the fall.

Corporations, organizations, and individuals are encouraged to participate in this Foundation fundraiser. Appropriate recognition will be awarded to these participants.

a group of people posing for a photo
a group of people holding a sign posing for the camera

For more information on the Pike Medical Foundation, please contact

If you would like to donate in someone’s honor, please mail memorials to:

Pike Medical Foundation
c/o Janet Stewart
Troy Regional Medical Center
1330 U.S. Highway 231 South
Troy, AL  36081

2023 Virtual Balloon Launch

Thank you for your support of our 2023 Virtual Balloon Fundraiser in November. All proceeds benefit the Pike Medical Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization. Proceeds went toward the purchase of a Nuclear Medicine Camera to provide Troy Regional with the latest technology in imaging. The camera is used for cancer detection, cardiac imaging, and abdominal imaging.

Pike Medical Foundation presented Troy Regional with a check for $70,000 for the equipment. The winner of the Balloon Launch drawdown was Minor Construction. The company donated the prize money back to the Foundation.

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