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Pike Medical Foundation Presents $70,000 to Troy Regional Medical Center

Healthcare Close to Home

Proceeds from 2023 Virtual Balloon Launch Used for Nuclear Medicine Camera

The Pike Medical Foundation presented Troy Regional with a check for $70,000 recently, after donations from supporters continued to come in even after the organization’s big fundraiser, the Virtual Balloon Launch, took place in November. The funds were applied to the purchase of a camera for the Nuclear Medicine Department to provide Troy Regional with the latest technology in imaging. The camera is used for cancer detection, cardiac imaging and abdominal imaging.

Members of the Pike Medical Foundation board of directors sold raffle tickets to raise money in the 2023 Virtual Balloon Launch. The Jumbotron scoreboard at Troy University’s The Vet randomly selected a winner of $1,000. The prize winner was Minor Construction, who graciously donated the winnings back to the Pike Medical Foundation.
“We are so grateful for the support of the community and the suppliers and partners of the hospital who so generously contributed to this cause,” said Abby Peters, Pike Medical Foundation board chair. “We also want to thank Minor Construction for putting the prize money back into the donation.”

The Pike Medical Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, and Troy Regional use the funds raised from this event each year to assist the hospital with capital purchases that are needed and often unbudgeted expenses. In 2022, the $70,000 raised from the Virtual Balloon Launch was used to replace surgical laparoscopic instrumentation in the hospital’s surgical services area.

In 2021, the Pike Medical Foundation raised $60,000 through this event. These community dollars were given to Troy Regional where renovation and creation of the Women’s Diagnostic Center was completed. These funds helped Troy Regional obtain the latest state of the art 3D tomosynthesis mammography unit, bringing the highest quality imaging to the community. This equipment coupled with the center’s partnership with the Board-certified breast imaging physicians from Montgomery Radiology, eliminates the need for residents to travel out of the community to get the best in early detection of breast cancer.

Since 2013, the 501(c)(3) foundation has raised and contributed almost $600,000 to Troy Regional. The specific services the funds pay for enable quality care close to home.

Rick Smith, Troy Regional CEO, said, “We are extremely grateful to the board for the work they do to raise funds to help us improve the quality of care we provide close to home. The board members are volunteers who love this community and want to make it the best possible place to live. Having the best healthcare services possible with the latest technology is one way to ensure this.”

Individuals and organizations can donate to the Pike Medical Foundation to benefit healthcare in the community. Memorial gifts may also be made in someone’s honor. For more information, email

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